Would you consider them a genuinely good person?

The guy I was in a relationship with discarded me out of nowhere 3weeks ago and probably has a new relationship. I never felt safe, heard or respected in that relationship. My family was passively abused sometimes, calling my brother dumb when he never had a word with my brother. I was shown no empathy during conflicts. One time, I was having severe panic attacks and he just told me “my ego is much bigger than what you are feeling right now, now let me workout.” I was called controlling(for asking why he needs three phones and three new numbers), too needy, a problem. He also constantly used to tell me that no one would ever put up with me like he did. He never thanked me(I literally had to ask him once to thank me for something I bought for him), never said a single sorry which he meant.I still have to decipher if he is a narcissist or an avoidant. I did everything for this guy. I feel financially and physically used. He would keep asking money from me and would never return even when asked repeatedly. I know it is my fault that I kept giving him but I never thought these could be his intentions. He never paid heed to how I was feeling or what I was feeling during our intercourse too. I just want to ask a human who actually treats other people as human beings too, do you think this was a good person? Do you think he would meet a girl who would change him?