Do you feel like "follow your dreams" idea actually creates a lot of pressure?
I start to hate the whole idea that you have to LOVE your work, to be honest. At the moment I found something that I'm comfortable with. It doesn't make me super excited, the pay is average, but I'm good there and I love that everyone communicates very gently in the company, I've never felt criticized, they just give recommendations and teach.
The amount of success stories and motivational quotes actually makes me annoyed. I don't like that I feel unworthy because I'm not a top specialist in my field, can't go work in Thailand or whatever. My job is not something I've ever dreamt of doing. But it's the best I was ever able to find.
When I try to jump higher, or follow my dreams, I actually feel extremely stressed after putting myself on display, and I need a long time to recover emotionally.
I'm curious to hear your thoughts on that. Wouldn't it be easier if we just saw work as something that pays the bills, and stopped trying to pretend that our dreams and passions are always related to career?