Doctors should ask you in advance of your appointment if it's ok to bring students in to observe.
On multiple occasions, I've been completely able to express myself because I was surprised by having an audience. The doctor always brings the students in, introduces them, and just says that they'll be watching the appointment. The appointment is full price and there is no indication beforehand that it's going to be used for educational purposes. Once or twice, they've asked if I'd like them to leave, and of course, I've defaulted to being agreeable as usual, and regretted doing so, also as usual.
I feel like there should be some pre-clearance on this kind of thing. After a recent expensive and wasted appointment, I'm at the point where I'm going to start asking to put a note in my chart during scheduling regarding this, but I still find it upsetting that it's the default to just surprise people.
Does this happen to everybody, or am I just such an edge case that my appointments always seem to be teachable?