Infantilizing Autistic Men HARMS Autistic Women! PLEASE read the full story before judging me or calling me out! #protectautisticwomen

I'm NOT writing this to be ableist or anything but to shed light on what has happened to me as well as other autistic women. If this is ableist to you, then I will add a TW for potential ableism, discussion of bullying, & SA.

I'm a 35-year-old autistic female, & throughout the years the trauma that I have been put through was from autistic men & autistic boys.

I grew up in special education classes, half-day classes & having EAs when my mom fought hard for it! In high school, I was denied help. They thought I was "too high functioning" which if anyone knows, functioning labels HARM autistic people because they can be used AGAINST the person which has happened to me throughout my whole life! This is why I prefer using "support needs" because that fluctuates daily!

There was a boy who was autistic & when I told him that I was going to tell on him for pushing me he choked me out & screamed in my face. A teacher saw this & she saw me in tears then sent him to the office ONLY to get me in trouble for saying that I would tell on him. If I did something like this, I'd be suspended. Meanwhile, I had similar behaviors as the autistic boys but got in more trouble or sent to the office. My mom would be called & I'd get in trouble with her. Meanwhile, I was always told these boys are autistic & can't help their behavior. I couldn't help mine either but I received heavy backlash!

Another time, I wrote a book & one of the EA's begged me to play with this boy who was autistic! I refused but she kept guilt-tripping me, I didn't know better then so I caved in. That boy ended up ripping a book I wrote to pieces. When I confronted him while in tears, he hit me & had a meltdown. I hit him back after he hit me, but got in trouble for it. As for the boy, the EA said "No No Luca, we don't do that!" in a soft voice. I got yelled at for hitting him & was told that he doesn't know better! Meanwhile, when I showed the book that he ripped up & had bruises on me when he hit me but was told that I should have gone to the EA even though she was nowhere to be found. I had to defend myself because nobody would defend me. I was told that he is autistic, gets violent & can't help it. When my mom was phoned, they did NOT tell her what the boy did to me & they told her that he was autistic!

In high school, I had autistic boys bully me & SA me only to be told that they don't know better. I'd get in trouble for not thinking before I spoke, & the functioning labels were used against me. One time, a boy named James groped me & I slapped him across the face. The teacher gave me major trouble for this, when I told her what he did she tried to excuse it saying he doesn't know better & weaponized me for slapping him in the face.

When I joined a peer group for autistic adults, there were more men than women. The men would hit on me, make inappropriate comments to me, speak over me & one of them even threatened me because I refused to date him. I reported this only for the group organizer to tell me that she can't ban them.

Now can people understand my fear & where I'm coming from?