Affordable Vet Dental Cleanings & Extractions?
I recently took my dog (4 year old chihuahua) to get a dental consultation. They wanted to charge me an exorbitant amount for a dental cleaning, blood work, and 3 dental extractions. I was quoted at $900-$1000. I obviously want to do the procedure but cannot afford it right now. I was hoping to find an affordable vet, I was looking at Animal Medical Center of Austin and Thrive clinic. My dog has been to Thrive before but I just wanted to see if anyone has had previous experiences with either of those listed and the pricing given? I am also open to other options that are affordable as well, if anyone has any recommendations!
Edit: I would prefer to not get any rude comments. You don’t know my financial circumstances and I already know that dental cleanings and extractions are costly which is why I am weighing my options. The vet who examined her teeth this summer said her teeth were fine and that she did not need a dental cleaning yet. I feed her daily dental treats, use a dental gel, and a water additive. Not sure how her teeth issues progressed this quickly but she is a toy breed. I could also save up money but this will take me a while.
Thanks:) I appreciate all the other comments, I find them helpful.