Wheelchair access /NDIS costs pushed to new home builders

So as I found out the cost of building now includes building new homes to accommodate for wheelchair access and structural changes to accommodate wheelchair access. What a load of shit. It seems the government has realised that NDIS is a totally unsustainable socialist disaster and now have pushed costs into the NCC for new builds. Anyone planning to build will have to pay for wheelchair friendly features which are in the tens of thousand ofdollarss for low to 0% chance of someone else using them. Its more lazy policy by the worst government this country has ever seen.

Specifically these elements are wheelchair friendly bathrooms and toilets, which includes more floor area, different doors, allowances for handrails, wider walkways, the stepdowns and levelling of the home in its entirety. Depending your design this could equate to anywhere from 10k to 50k in additionalcostss.

I was looking to downsize, which meant opening up my home for a family to buy but its so expensive honestly they can jam it. I'll leave 4 bedrooms empty until the next communist policy where they tax empty bedrooms. Fuck this country is in the toilet rn.