Would you move to Dubai to get ahead?
I feel conflicted as I've had a few opportunities to do this, but my bf isn't a fan of Dubai as a place to live. But there's just so much earning potential there that it's hard to ignore. I see friends/colleagues getting really far ahead working over there in white collar roles, making mega bucks tax free, 6 weeks annual leave, free flights back home, etc.
I guess I feel conflicted because while I see this amazing opportunity, I feel like I'm taking crazy pills: Am I the only one who doesn't ignore the fact that the entire city is built off the back of Indian, Filipino, and Sri Lankan slave labour? Nobody, including Aussies, seem to care at all about this.
In fact, nobody seems to care. Unsure if I'm being unnecessarily and illogically sensitive to this concept, or should also say screw it, I'll go over there and make great money and just accept that I live in an unequal society since by not going, it doesn't change anything anyway.