help with aurora’s ult hitbox
hey people, ive been playing aurora a lot since launch and im absolutely in love with her
although, ever since the last update, ive been having problems with her ult’s hitbox
not only i’ve had countless enemies simply walk out of my ult (even though they were quite a few clicks away from the walls when cast) but i have myself simply walked out of enemy aurora’s ultimates
afaik it wasnt a problem in the launch patch and i cant seem to figure out if its a random bug or not and if there’s any hope for riot to fix it because it makes playmaking with her very annoying, since you can ping your team to get set for you to start with the ultimate and then having the enemy team just… walk away
anyone else having this issue? does my main just doesnt like me anymore?
(also, i dont think its a ping issue, i tend to play on around 100 fps and 10ms)