How do you survive parenthood?

Does anybody else struggle with being a parent? I have a 2,5 year old who is veeeeeeery energetic and should probably skip his nap already. Due to daycare, he can’t though (as long as he’s not 3, he is expected to nap in daycare). So he is basically up until I go to bed myself. All I do throughout the day is work (at home mostly), pick up my son from daycare and spend time with him (and my husband) until we go to bed. Sometimes I get almost an hour of freetime between work and the daycare run but that’s mostly it. About every 3 months, I manage to meet one of my two friends for coffee. I have also only recently found out about my audhd, so I’m still trying to understand myself. I feel like I’m struggling a lot with being a good parent and also not losing my mind. If I were neurotypical, I would probably „just“ need to go out and do a workout class or something comparable once a week but that would only stress me out more. But at the same time, I’m craving some adult time with another adult. Basically, how do you stay sane? Conflicting thoughts are nothing new to me but parenthood seems to amplify everything.