What's with the absurd level of hate on in video on YouTube about this game?

I get it, some players might be mad because of recent Ubisoft setbacks but why does a game an assassin Creed game that looks polished and well made get all the backlash? It seems almost as if the hate is condensed and driven from somewhere and most of the accounts have no videos of their own they just hate and if you ask them why are they commenting on a game they won't play? They get even more defensive and start insulting the people who just want to play the game for fun sake? I honestly don't get it, games are meant to be fun why do gamers have to be involved in politics, if a game looks fun I'm going to buy it for fun's sake regardless of who made it, I don't need a bunch of people hating on the game that looks fluid and fun to be telling me what to do before it even launches, funnily enough I think when the game releases these same people will be playing Day 1 in order to spread word of how unplayable and glitchy it is and how Ubisoft once again downgraded before release..