Anyone Pre-Ordering Is Both Psychotic And Damaging To The Gaming Industry
We as gamers have seen hundreds of times why you should NEVER pre-order a game. Cyberpunk 2077, No Man's Sky, Fallout 76, Batman: Arkham Knight, GTA Trilogy Remastered, and literally hundreds more are proof.
If you pre-order a game you're both lacking a proper understanding of reality and you're enabling companies to keep damaging the gaming industry. Pre-ordering was made for PHYSICAL COPIES of games so that you were guaranteed to be able to pick your copy up on launch day at a local store. Digital pre-ordering is so downright awfully stupid and yet so many people on this very subreddit can't shut up about asking "wHeN aRe PrE-oRdErS gOiNg To Be AvAiLaBlE???".
You need to wait until the game comes out and watch reviews and gameplay to see what it ends up like. Otherwise there's a huge chance you'll waste money on a game that's a buggy mess with no redeeming qualities. You can moan all you want that "The gameplay looks good!" or "It doesn't look buggy at all!". Neither did any of the mentioned games above. It's called a trailer.