I have always felt that ”Getting married” is a show
Hi! I feel as if I am alone thinking like this around people my own age (F36). I want some thoughts from women over 60 that have lived a bit longer than me and might have some interesting thoughts.
I am a swedish woman. I have know my whole life that equal rights in relationships/marriage when it comes to finance etc is why many decide to get married. So that thing is maybe a discussion on it’s own. I want to discuss the psycological part of marriage.
All my life as long as I can remember I never put ”wedding/getting married” on a pedestal. As I grew older I started to see friends getting married. I am happy for them feeling such joy from getting married. I just feel like for myself can’t see what really would be the joy in it. I almost feel ashamed by the thought that I would ”walk the aisle” when everyone is watching me, it would make me feel like I want attention in a narcissistic matter almost. I am not saying people who get married are narcissistic. I am saying I would feel sooo wierd, like a child almost. ”Hey look at me look at me”. Like. If i got married I would rather do it on the paper, then maybe have a party in my garden during summer with no focus on… me myself and I. Of course many people do it like this too. I am curious about your thought on younger women doing the cinderella thing?
So - what I want to discuss is: have you ever felt this way too? And if you talk about it people think you are jealous or something? I am honestly not jealous at all. For me, having a wedding is the same as going on a soccer game. It is really not interesting to me at all. I feel like people almost never talk about this psychological part of this.