Anyone else feel like adulting is extremely exhausting lately?

I am 30 years old so I’ve been an adult for some time now but lately I’m starting to feel a little TOO much like an adult. Like my life is more adultier than my mind cares to be sometimes.

I have PMDD (on meds so it’s not AS bad now), just got married (husband is in school and wants sexy time, dinner every so often haha), have a full time job (commute 45 mins twice a week), own a home (trapped in a mortgage for idk how long), have a dog with some health issues, live 4 hours away from my parents and have to make time to see them, am heavily involved in my church (it’s the most important thing to me in life), plus trying to lose weight, eat healthier, have a hobby (I make YouTube videos), and get 8 hours of sleep while keeping a semi clean home and cooking dinner 2-3 times a week and saving money! OMG.

I have an EXTREMELY blessed life, and I know “heavy is the head”.

I guess I just wanted to vent on here a little.

Sometimes I dream of giving it all up and moving to Thailand or somewhere for $500 a month.

I love my life but with the way the world is going nowadays in the US sometimes I just sit and wonder...