Please help, I'm scared
Hello everyone, my cat has been sick and he vet suspected that it might be poisoning. It's been 4 days since we've been there and we symptoms before was her suddenly vomiting blood (she was perfectly fine the day before) and so she got a blood test. Everything was perfectly fine except for her SGPT which was extremely high and it indicates liver damage. I was told that poisoning targets the organs hence why she's throwing up blood. She has been vomiting the last 4 days and it was dark brown with specks (and some blood) on the third day she has vomited significantly less. The color changed from dark brown to yellowish green with black specks still. Now on the fourth day she still vomited but not as much as the previous days but a bit more compared to the third day, but the color is still yellowish green with the black specks. I've read that the coffee ground looking specks is digested blood. Is she getting better?? Please. I'm desperate for answers.
Note: she has an IV attached to her and I'm taking care of her at home bc I really can't afford to pay for her vet bills. She's also taking medication for her liver and kidneys and another one for her vomiting. Please keep my cat in your prayers. (Idk why but I can't attach pictures so I can't show but you can check my profile to see since I also posted on another subreddit) also she still doesn't have an appetite so I have been force feeding her and idk if I'm right or wrong but whenever she vomits she looks more relieved?