Have you changed industries completely (career wise) and was it the right decision?

I have been in the property industry for 10 years now and I think I am probably at the highest end of progression in my role. I work hard and achieved the highest level of sales in any one month at my company last month, which was great but I don’t feel it was appreciated. I think my skills and work ethic would be much better suited to a role with more progression and excitement. I am 28f and worried I would not be desirable to companies outside of the property world as my experience is only within this field, but I learn fast and would be willing to give 100%. Have you ever changed industries completely after being in the same type of role for a long time? What did it look like and was it the right decision? I really want to get excited again about work and new challenges/experiences but I don’t know where to start! Thank you :)