Am I using my 504 accommodations too often?

I'm currently a senior (straight-A student) in high school, and I've had my 504 plan since middle school. I have GAD and I get overwhelmed by schoolwork easily; I have an accommodation which allows me extra time on assignments without penalty.

Out of all my accommodations, this one has been my saving grace for my sanity. I ask for extra time (24 hours in advance), and I typically finish the assignment the next day no issue. I do my best to not be a burden on my teacher.

I have a class I use my accommodation for often. The assignments are long, and we're given such little time to do them. I really don't like to use it, but I know to prioritize my health first and remember that I have this extra time for a reason. It's just that I'm afraid I'm using my 504 "too much." Do teachers get annoyed if I keep asking for extra time on (separate) assignments? Am I a burden on them for requiring something different from my peers? I try hard to make up for not having it in on time, but I still worry it's not enough. Do I ruin a teacher's plans for class if I don't have an assignment done that day?

My friends have differing opinions on my issue. Most though agree that I may be overusing my accommodation...

Edit: Thank you all so much for the kind words and reassurance <3! I appreciate all of your helpful comments and feedback (I didn’t expect so many responses though, lol)!

Thought I’d clarify some stuff about me based on similar themes being discussed in the comments:

I am a 4-year straight-A student who takes multiple AP classes and who also attends a school with a higher educational standard.

I have a therapist who helps me manage my workload. I also take loads of prescription medication (I’m a medical mess), including Adderall and anti-anxiety meds.

I am only diagnosed with GAD and depression. 90% sure I have ADD, but it’s near-impossible for a non-hyperactive woman with anxiety to get diagnosed for anything BUT anxiety.