Time dilation paradox

I have recently been thinking about speed time dilation and have ran into something that I can’t find the answer to. Imagine theoretically we could travel at the speed of light. and point A is 100m away from point B. If I travel at the speed of light from point A to B time literally stops for me and I instantaneously end up at point B (this is true for every distance whether it’s 100metres or 2 million, I’ll always show to point B instantly as no time has passed relative to myself). But let’s say there’s an observer watching me travel that 100 metres. Essentially I would completely freeze in time for them as their clocks are ticking much much faster than mine. So how could I end up from point A to B if I appear frozen relative to the observers time? Let’s also assume the observer is immortal for theory’s sake. Feel free to correct any flaws in my question. Thanks!!!