Where are you guys finding these demon women?

Of course I understand that a lot of terrible people exist regardless of gender, but so many of these posts and comments are like: ‘yeah my girlfriend punched my solar plexus after I said I was sad because my mom died’. Like holy shit man I’m sorry. Maybe it’s just because I’m in high school and the social atmosphere is different, but I’ve never met many genuinely evil people like that. Edit: idk if this is any context but I am a girl

Edit: I’m officially leaving reddit peace out guys <\3 Edit I’m coming back for a minute just to point out how quickly everyone is to dismiss anything I say with ‘you’re a kid’. Why is it that I’m only a kid when it’s convenient to others? Why am I only a kid when my perspective needs to be ignored and why am I only suddenly considered an adult when someone needs to justify being awful to me?

Edit again: I’m going to be going semi offline. I’m going to start playing Roblox again and listening to music and talking to my friends. I’m going to go outside and talk to people irl.

Edit again because I decided to pop back in: a lot of people are reading this as me victim blaming or being sarcastic. I'm not being sarcastic. This is a genuine question asked out of concern for how many awful experiences peopleave because I personally had never heard of many, the whole point of this post was supposed to be 'wow guys I'm so sorry I never heard of this before'. Everyone's just going 'typical teenage girl thinks her experiences are universal' GUYS! That is the exact opposite of this posts point. I'm trying to LEARN about other people's experiences. Why is Reddit so quick to immediately assume the worst? I get it, it was poorly worded, but oh my god some people are taking this really far. I've gotten aggressive dms from people, I've had comments been made about my race?? GUYS. GUYS This was just meant to be a question, like a normal question asked in good faith.

TDLTR: I seriously didn’t mean for this to come off as sexist, I genuinely just wanted an inside perspective on this topic. I never meant to be a misogynist and a misandrist all at once. Guys I'm sorry to everyone I've hurt. I'll work to better myself.