Found out my bf used to sleep with prostitutes before he met me

I’m a 29F who has been with her bf 29M for about 2 years now. I came across some old messages between him and his friend where he’s telling his friend that he’s fucked a prostitute on his holiday. I know it’s in the past but honestly made me feel really weird. Seems like he’s got a history of having sex with prostitutes…also from the same trip he sent a pic to his friend of a naked girl after having sex with her

I can’t see him in the same light. What should I do?

Tldr; my bf used to sleep with prostitutes before he met me and also sleep around a lot. Makes me feel uncomfortable- should I end it over this?

Update: he has cheated on me and wanted me to forgive him as a one off. Then I find these old messages that made me question his character all together…