Need advice - husband mentioned that he is not attracted to me anymore in argument.. and I can’t get over this comment.
We have been married for 6 years, no kids yet. We had argument last year where he said he is not attracted to me anymore!! Despite being asked again he agreed to what he said. Our argument was on lack of intimacy and then it dragged to financial things.
His behaviour has shown me that he really doesn’t like me anymore. I am sure there is no third party involvement. I was very much in love and always tried my best to connect emotionally and physically but didn’t get well response. Since that incident I feel numb, no feelings left in me. I feel like I don’t love this man anymore but staying with him because of family and society pressure as well as scared to hurt him and myself with all separation.
Few weeks back I tried to speak to him how I am feeling, and suggest him therapy or counselling but he doesn’t want to do anything. I don’t need his apology I just want me to have that love back for him which I am unable to do because he is not showing any interest to work out in relationship.
Any advice on this situation much appreciated.
Thank you.
Additionally - He is high functional alcoholic, orthodox mentality due to upbringing. Self centric as well. People suggesting divorce, I did consider that but he will not give me divorce because he likes to show people how perfect life he is living, also he owns a properties and some money back home which he doesn’t want to split (he said once that he loves his money and property more than anything) I don’t want a single penny from him just wants clarity for now. I didn’t work hard to buy those properties so I have no right to ask for. Also family pressure is different from both of our families. Also suggest how to initiate this discussion with him please!!