What’s better as a Man, your 20s or 30s?

I’m a 23 year old guy that graduated college and started working like a year ago.

Apart from whether you have time or not, (because of work and stuff…) do men still have energy / still want to go out in their 30s? Or is it really like enjoy your 20s cause after going out will seem dull and useless?

I hear some people saying 30s are better as you’ll have more financial freedom and will really know what you are looking for in women, in plans to go out, in friends…

While the general idea is sometimes enjoy your 20s cause the 30s are gonna be all work and family, but I don’t know about that…?

What do yall think? Maybe if a man builds himself in his 20s he’ll be able to have way more fun when he’s 30? Or not really?