Has your family ever betrayed your secret for shits and giggles? How do you deal with it?

Exactly as the title says. I have had many incidents and experiences where I have confided into my mother something and she has let it out in front of my aunts for some cheap laughter or simply because they were bored and ran out of topics to talk about. Pleading with her repeatedly has had no effect.

Similar things have also happened with my cousins where I had told them about something small like how I sneaked in a pastry after a tuition. The b*tches have gone on to talk about these things when they got caught doing something wrong and simply wanted to take the attention away from themselves.

Needless to say my relationship isn't going places with them. With my mother it has reduced to something completely one sided where I provide her company from time to time and just ensure she is okay. But for other things I cannot bring myself to share information with her because I know it's not her fault that is just her nature but I still need to protect myself.

With my cousins it has been more or less radio silence. No contact, no talking. Just WhatsApp forwards on important festivals.

Have you ever experienced this? If yes, how have you dealt with it? How did you mend the relationship after that?