Need suggestions for doctors in south India who are up to date on modern diets? (Like not thinking eating meat everyday is bad for you).

Preferrably anyone in Tamil Nadu and Banglore. I want to get into fitness to see if it fixes a whole host of other issues I have (lethargy, poor sleep, anxiety) but I'm facing a dilemma from my dad. Due to some poor decision making on my part(like quitting my job to help out with the family business) I'm financially reliant on them for now. There's some money that should be coming my way that I was planning on using it purely for my health but I'm running into an issue with my dad.

1) He increasingly thinks western medicine is bad.

2) Surrounded by people who think homeopathy and Sidhdha is best. Youtube recommending him videos on that topic.

3) Thinks eating meat is bad and also thinks eating xyz local fruit can "cure all issues".

You can see the issue here. I can at least get my relatives on my side and pressure him to not interfere in how I spend that money on my health. The issue is most Indian doctors I've come across are quite frankly horrible when it come dieting. Among things I've heard.

1) An endocrinologist (from a big name hospital mind you) telling me my severe vitamin D deficiency is not a big deal because and I quote "most Indians are Vitamin D Deficient".

2) Recommending carb heavy food for a diabetic patient because it's traditional food and it can't be harmful.

3) Not knowing how much protein someone would need if they're doing heavy exercises daily.

So I need a doctor who knows basic stuff like protein requirements in diets, knows healthy hormone levels(and not buying into lowered standards for Indians) and knowledge of diets like Keto. I'm not doing keto but it seems to be a good filter to recognize if someone is in touch with dieting trends. They could even be against it for all I care.

If I can get their advice and stamp of approval, It would be immensly helpful. Endocrinologists, General physicians, Dieticians, any specialist really would be great.