Help with MRI results - severe pain, unable to walk

Asking on behalf of a relative.

Individual has been seen by neurologist and several other doctors. None of the doctors could give him a diagnosis which is very worrying for the whole family.

This document mentions tumors and we have no clue what the results mean or potential outcomes might be.

Appreciate any help and advice on how to handle this. We are more than happy to pay privately to get him treated once we know what it is that he needs.



CLINICAL HISTORY The follwing sequonces were obtainod:

REPORT: 6cm(W) intramedullary lesion seen within the cervical spinal cord spanning the C4 to C7 vertebral levels. The mass is expansile with a maximum AP diameter of 0.7cm and demonstrates T1 Axial TTW T2W Sagital TWI. T2WI, STIR ost, gadolinium Axial T1 FatSat, Sagittal T1 FatSat T2 hyperintense signal changes , There is no evidence of blooming arterfacts within the lesion on gradient echo sequences to suggest calcification. No hemosi iderin staining Is identified within or surrounding There is a 4. .7cm(L) X A the lesion to suggest hemorrhage. The mass demonstrates mild enhancement post contrast administration, An intramedullary lesion of similar signal characteristics and morphology is also identified within the thoraclo isointemse spinal cord spanning the T3 to T7 vertebral levels measuring 1.9cm(L)x 1.0cm(W) with a maximum AP No other spinal cord lesions are identified. No cystic changes are identified within the lesion There is no diameter of 0.9cm. Within the cervical spine there is loss of the normal intervertebral disc signal at C3/4 to C6/7 in keeping wilth evidence of an associated syrinx. At C3/4 there is a mild broad-based disc bulge with associated compression of the the thecal sac. There is associated mild to moderate stenosis of the exit foramina bilaterally. No spinal cord compression is seen at this disc desiccation. level. The cord signal is normal. mild compression of the spinal cord. There is moderate stenosis of the right exit foramen and mild stenosis of At C4/5 there is a broad-based disc bulge with associated compression of the thecal sac. There is resulting the left. At C5/6 there is a broad-based disc bulge with associated compression of the thecal sac There is resulting mild compression of the spinal cord. There is mild stenosis of the exit foramina bilaterally At C6/7 there is a broad-based disc bulge with associated compression of the thecal sac. There is resulting mild compression of the spinal cord. There is mild stenosis of the exit foramina bilaterally. Within the thoracic spine there IS loss of the normal intervertebral disc signal at T6/7 to T8/9 in keeping with disc desiccation. At T6/7 there is a mild broad based disc bulge with associated compression of the thecal sac. There no spinal cord compression is seen at this level. There is no evidence of stenosis of the exit foramina bilaterally. At T7/8 there IS a mild broad based disc bulge with associated compression of the thecal sac. There no spinal cord compression IS seen at this level. There is no evidence of stenosis of the exit foramina bilaterally. At T8/9 there IS a mild broad based disc bulge with associated compression of the thecal sac. There no spinal cord compression is seen at this level. There is no evidence of stenosis of the exit foramina bilaterally The remaining intervertebral disc levels demonstrate no evidence of disc bulge or herniation of disc material. The remaining spinal cord signal intensity is normal. The bone marrow signal return is normal throughout: There is no evidence of ectopia of the cerebellar tonsils.

IMPRESSION: Enhancing, expansile intramedullary spinal cord lesion spanning C4 to C7 and T3 to T7 as described. The features are suspicious for an ependymoma. Spinal astrocytoma is also a consideration. Multilevel degenerative disc disease within the cervical and thoracic spine contributes to mild cord compression. Neurosurgical referral is advised.