Pain the in the penis.
Age: 31
Sex: M
Height: 171cm
Weight:140 lbs
Race: other
Duration of complaint: 7 months
Location (Geographic and on body): Penis
Any existing relevant medical issues (if any): Hashimotos(not on meds), skin condition (likely dermatitis)
Current medications (if any): N/A
Include a photo if relevant (skin condition for example)
I don't have pain anywhere else. My latest blood eGFR a few weeks ago was 107 and blood creatine was 86. I did a urine test 7 months ago that had negative for blood and was okay. in general.
The pain is a sharp sting that shows up when I move or turn abruptly. I have been drinking a lot of water lately. It's on the underneath side of the penis.
Last time this happened was a month ago. It comes and goes. I'm a bit paranoid of things like prostate cancer. My urine has been slower recently.