Why aren't we protesting?

Maybe I am feeling a little overwhelmed with the news cycle, or I am burned out on the dumpster fire happening in Ottawa, but with everything going on, why aren't Canadians taking to the streets? And if they are and I'm unaware of it, can I join?

I know that Canadians are divided on so many things but there's things endangering the fundamental services and systems we are accustomed to in a functioning society.

Groceries are too high. The housing crisis. Addiction crisis. The healthcare system is broken, probably being defunded to pave the way for it to be privatized. The tariff threats from the south and more. The existence of billionaires. All the while using trans people as a smokescreen bogeyman so we won't pay attention to the fact that our livelihoods, our rights, our freedoms are being undermined right in front of us.

Sometimes I'm furious and I want to scream and throw tomatoes and make someone listen, and other times I'm embarrassed and feel like I'm overreacting.

I'm scared and I don't know if I should be. If I'm correct and things will not get better, and we will slowly slip deeper into a surveillance capitalist society in which the ultra wealthy are making decisions for the 99%, I would like to fight. Maybe I'm overreacting but that's better than being complicit.

EDIT: I don't know why half of you think I am personally suggesting we go out and protest tomorrow in the freezing cold. My hope is that someone more charismatic and better equipped than I am sees that there is an appetite in Canada for change.

DOUBLE EDIT: Thank you to those who indulged my state of the world panic last night and sympathized, had good advice. It led me to the website for the Canadian Civil Liberties Association, who generally seem to do good work. I have signed up to their mailing list and will be on the lookout to help where I can and keep an eye out for other organizations that align with my values. If you're interested in donating or signing up, their website is: https://ccla.org/