Do my fellow Canadians really want us gone?

I'm talking about Alberta. I was born and raised in this province and I feel very connected to my home, but my home isn't just Alberta, its all of Canada. My entire life I've heard comments condemning Alberta for our politics, and I get it, I've never voted conservative in my life and understand the criticisms. Every election cycle I hope that maybe Alberta will vote differently. But regardless we are all still Canadian, and I've always felt that political affiliation shouldn't divide us as a nation.

There are traitors in every province who welcome the idea of Canada as 51st state, but online so much of this is directed at Alberta. I know in my heart that the very vocal minority do not speak for the majority of Albertans or Canadians, but if I'm being honest the amount of posts and comments I've seen hoping that we leave is really disheartening and leaves me worried. So my question is this: for my non-Albertan comrades, do you really want us gone? Or is a nation that is coast-to-coast (minus) Alberta fine?