Sardined Subdivisions: What are the benefits of living like this?

What is the appeal of living in large homes like the ones in this photo? They have no yard (some even just gravel!), no trees, only small sod ‘parks’ as the only nearby green space or minimal access to wilderness trails, they’re crammed next to neighbours, and the design is focused on the garage or driveway of automobiles with only a frontal facade and vinyl siding everywhere else. I question how many homeowners have big families to use all the bedrooms and bathrooms or is all that space just a nuisance upkeep and clean. The cost of heating, repairs, additional furniture and collection of ‘stuff’, and disregard for pollinator habitats due to barren landscaping with a lack of flora are more downsides with these homes in cement havens.

This question might seem cavilling, but I’m honestly curious what benefits people get from in these homes!

What is the appeal of living in large homes like the ones in this photo? They have no yard (some even just gravel!), no trees, only small sod ‘parks’ as the only nearby green space or minimal access to wilderness trails, they’re crammed next to neighbours, and the design is focused on the garage or driveway of automobiles with only a frontal facade and vinyl siding everywhere else. I question how many homeowners have big families to use all the bedrooms and bathrooms or is all that space just a nuisance upkeep and clean. The cost of heating, repairs, additional furniture and collection of ‘stuff’, and disregard for pollinator habitats due to barren landscaping with a lack of flora are more downsides with these homes in cement havens.

This question might seem cavilling, but I’m honestly curious what benefits people get from in these homes!