I’m impatient. How to exercise patience?
Question in title.
I'm impatient. I want to "fix things". My therapist says I'm the impatient "fix it" kind who immediately upon discovering an issue wants to try and fix it, move past it, and my WW is an ostrich, who needs time and space to handle their issues. She says he probably doesn't actually trust anybody, even though he claims to trust me above all.
The spiel about him needing time and space so he can figure out his stuff, so he'd actually open up to me is something she's been telling for months now, even before dday.
He claims he is fully into R. He claims he is regretful, remorseful, ashamed, disgusted. He is still unwilling to attend therapy, but I know that's how he's always been. He claims he loves me and wants me, will do whatever it takes.
But that he needs time for full disclosure, needs time to talk, needs time so that we can getting closer again emotionally.
And I'm so impatient I feel like I want to claw out of my skin.
I think I'm disappointed. I told him that if he really wants this... why isn't he more proactive? I've told him what I want. So why isn't he? I told him I don't want to beg for information or things like physical touches to increase our touch points during the day. So why isn't he doing more?
I even told him that if he's not actually interested and he's just afraid to be alone, to tell me now. I told him that I have imagined my future without him and it would be hard, but it's better than this. He told me he never wanted to actually leave me (that this was his shame and disgust speaking) and that unlike me, he never actually imagined his life without me.
I know I can't force him to do anything. I know that if he doesn't or won't, I only have the choice to either accept or leave. I know that.
But damn do I not wish that I could just crack open his brain and read him like a book! I want to understand his mindset right now and I just don't.