Disrespecting No Contact
DDay was November 28.
Afterwards my WW has been doing the right things and making promises of no contact, etc. but I found out today she lied.
On December 17 she sent him a love note/goodbye message. It said things like “we can’t talk anymore” and “this will be the last you hear from me” but also “I will never forget our connection and “being loved by you was wonderful”. Her rationale was that she is so sorry blah blah blah but since I made her go no contact initially, she need to say goodbye for her to feel like “she ended it”.
She’s said that since that moment she feels so much more committed, she could fully let go, and it reaffirmed for her that it’s now over and will never happen again.
I’m at a point where if I don’t divorce now, then there is no line. She can cross everything and lie about anything and I let it happen.
How have others dealt with this? Wayward perspectives welcome as well