Deleted the old evidence
Clearly out email and online storage I came across all the evidence AP sent in 2017 all the screen shots photos everything and I just deleted them
No rereading just oh it’s that delete it
Poof it’s gone
Fast forward a few hours and WS gets drunk and starts getting sad out of know where says some things about wanting to talk when sober got somethings on his mind doesn’t want to tell me right now he’s doesn’t want to ruin chrsitmas and take how he’s feeling out on me
his phone was pinging off all evening and he was not bothering with being with me but we where with the people that are normally messaging
I see the yellow ghost icon a few times
Woke up this morning he’s calmed up he was drunk can’t remember what he wanted to say doesn’t remember
…. To be honest I just done care
I could snoop but why bother
I could confront him but why bother
Bracing for impact why bother to late now will be stuck co parenting soon enough
1 step forward many more back seriously can’t be bothered