What Are Small/Dumb Things You Now Hate b/c of the Affair?
Feeling like a lighter/dark humor post today. You can certainly include traditional triggers too, but I’m mostly thinking of the less common things. Here’s a totally not complete list of mine that updates regularly:
Mushrooms-both in general and specifically the Amanita variety.
Mobile games with chat functions.
Any word close to AP’s screen names (Adyleigh) or real name (which is nowhere close to that).
Gothy clothing (used to enjoy it…WH ruined that shit for himself too).
Pics of food. I freaking hate that he sent her pics of food we made, sharing tiny details of the day. Especially when I was the one who cooked the damn food.
Cottage core stuff-used to like this too but seems to be APs general style.
The state of Virginia (kinda not fair there but we got married in VA and he just had to find an AP there…damn close to where we had our one night honeymoon)
Monopoly Go
The zodiac and esp. anything to do with Sagittarius
Probably a ton more but…