Why weren't Flightless Bird and Synced simply included in the deal?

As a listener, I've never known who is an owner vs. an employee at Armchair, and historically it hasn't mattered. But as someone who's liked and listened to all of the shows in the Armchair Expert feed, what's changed now after the Amazon Wondery deal is that suddenly there is half as much awesome content in the feed, which sucks for everyone.

Separate from who knew what when and who deserved what, I'm left wondering why Flightless Bird and Synced weren't simply included in the deal in some capacity.

I get it - clearly Wondery only cared about the core Armchair shows and its owners, but why did Flightless Bird and Synced need to be tossed out of the feed entirely? Why wouldn't Dax and Monica want them included for the sake of their listeners as well as David and Liz? And on the flip side, why wouldn't Wondery want essentially "bonus" content at little to no added cost, regardless of how much incremental listenership those "bonus" shows added? More is still more, isn't it?

I completely understand that Dax and Monica started and built the brand and are therefore entitled to do with it what they want. But what they wanted here appears to be hurting their brand, as it comes at the expense of two shows and people they introduced us to that we all fell in love with, who they made feel like full members of the Armchair family. David's and Liz's sudden "eviction" feels icky because it runs counter to the public brand Dax and Monica built and fostered.

Ultimately, I don't think any fan needs or deserves to know the dollars and cents of a business deal like this. I don't see any of that as my business. But as a brand marketer myself, I do think Dax and Monica should probably consider sharing more topline info about the deal and why these shows and people were removed. Not doing so is clearly eroding (and will continue to chip away at) Armchair's brand loyalty with its most ardent supporters.