BBC rejection email
alright! so, applied for a production apprenticeship for the bbc yesterday morning, got an email the following day (felt a little too quick, which was why i was a little skeptical) saying that i "didn't meet the eligibility criteria" along with the general rejection message.
though, i may have done a slight fuck up and didn't realise my keyboard auto-input my preferred name (for context, im trans) in the legal name box and im super worried that was the reason for being "non-eligible", that or theres another reason, OR its just an automatic email the bbc has put out to those who they didn't choose to move on to the next stage, etc etc.
i did look up if the legal name fuck up was a big mistake and apparently it isn't, the company doesn't really care or whatever because its only the first stage, but, the little overthinker in me thinks otherwise so ive thrown myself on here to double check.
made the daring choice of finally installing reddit just to get a quicker answer to this, so i hope there's an answer somewhere since i cant find anything else, anywhere else! cheers B)