Waiting for UChicago is slowly killing me 😻

Literally losing my mind pookies. UChicago when I catch you UChicago istg.

Anygay while we're waiting, what did everyone write abt 😻 I chose the Fermi prompt and I investigated how many pieces of cheese are on the moon. Does that sound like a load of bs, yes obviously bc there's no cheese on the moon, but it was actually based on one of my fav tv shows as a kid and it's debut episode!!

It was Charlie and Lola's "I will not ever never eat a tomato" and Charlie basically makes gives all the foods Lola hates a story like peas are "green drops from Greenland" and mashed potatoes are "cloud fluff from mount Fuji" and I raised my baby brother and he's never liked cheese LMAO. He's always had particular eating habits and the question I made was just my way of writing about how I tried to encourage him to step out of his comfort zone supportively, which is something I never got as a kid. It really wasn't about how much cheese is on the moon, but how much space he takes up in my life, and me in his, and how important that is to me.

I did actually calculate how many pieces of cheese it could be and answer the question though!! When he was a little baby I would lie and say I got his food from somewhere special LOL. So I wrote it as if I had visited the moon to get some cheese for him. It was more philosophical than mathematical though obvi

Update: rejected ED1 as a domestic student, honestly, not even sad just kind of annoyed. Loved this school but after this I can't really see what I saw in them, I'm looking forward to rd results and my other early schools :3