Can someone please give me just a little bit of hope? I feel like I'm fading away more every day.

It all started with this (\_someone\_help\_me\_stop\_counting\_or\_at\_least/ I am still unable to stop counting) but it's gotten to the point where I assume full dp/dr has taken over. Everything is just blurry, foggy, weird, unfamiliar, I constantly feel like in a shifting dream where nothing feels right anymore. I don't seem to care about anything anymore and things don't make me feel a thing at all. I am on auto pilot mode all the time and I can't stop ruminating. Nothing that I used to love makes me feel anything anymore. Memories feel like a different life. I'm never hungry, I force myself to eat, I lost all my libido, sleeping is the only thing that brings a little bit of relief, but it all crashes down to me again at the very moment I wake up. Places that used to be familiar now seem distant and unreachable. I can't focus, let alone entertain myself. I just... exist, drifting away, feeling like every day the only certain thing is the uncertainty... and that damned counting that I feel is what has fueled it all. Whenever I have to pee (or other bathroom things) it's a nightmare because I recall the counting once more. I feel like it gets worse and worse everyday. I can't remember what normal felt like anymore, and that was barely two weeks ago... I feel like I might've broken my brain. Healthcare is super slow here, by the time they see me who knows how I'll be like by then, and that's if they can even help me. I feel like a lost cause since nobody seems to have had the counting problem I have. I'm scared this is how it's gonna be for the rest of my life. I feel as if my life was irreversibly over and there was no coming back from how I feel now. Like something's gonna end up happening to me, whether it's going crazy to straight up dying somehow. I don't wanna die either, but I don't wanna live like this. I feel like crying most of the time and I have a tight feeling on my chest. Please anyone tell me something to cling to, anything... I feel like at this point medicine is my very last hope. If that doesn't work either, I don't know what I'll do.