What are your physical anxiety symptoms like?

For me i feel like i‘m falling when walking or standing, i feel like i don’t have any balance. Also i have blurry vision and feel like the world is moving. 🤡 Also i‘m always tired and my body aches. I‘m not even gonna get started on palpitations and all that.

It’s really driving me crazy, i feel like if I would not have these terrible symptoms i would be able to deal with my anxiety way better. But i constantly worry that i have a serious illness. :( but until this day, no doctor found anything (had mri scans of my brain, neck, had a neurological check-up and blood drawn, and a few ekgs..)

Does anyone else here experience things like that? Does anybody know something that helps? I tried exercising which feels relieving for a couple hours but when i wake up it starts all over again.