Consistent irrational fear that I’m going to be fired
I’ve been working since the age of 13. I’m 30 now, have had many different jobs, and have never been fired. In case it’s important I was also diagnosed with GAD at age 7.
In every job I’ve had since my teen years I’ve had an intense worry that I’m going to be fired. It is more persistent than a lot of the other worries I’ve had over the years. After all, it’s been there for over half my life at this point. The worry will keep me awake at night maybe a few nights per month, gives me anxiety attacks a few times per year, and ultimately leads to decreased work performance and job hopping (ironically).
I’m in therapy and on medications. Does anyone have a way that they have worked through this? I’m starting to realize how much this effects my quality of life. I definitely worry about other things (health, parenting, being good enough, etc), but this kind of takes the cake in terms of intensity and persistence.