Grocery shopping really triggers my anxiety and depression.

Although it’s a necessity, I hate how eco friendly living is a “luxury” considering the price gaps in products. Just got back from a trip at my local store didn’t see 1 bamboo tooth brush which is the bare minimum and usually self care is the first and easiest step towards becoming eco friendly. I have my own but the fact that the average person would have to go and find one online or search out a eco friendly grocery option really saddens me that we own corporations to over produce plastic single use as the mainstream option. Not only is this damaging to your company’s image, it’s disheartening to those trying to change their ways but I guess why support a business that isn’t even making an effort to help reduce the production of micro plastics.

I didn’t always feel this way, it wasn’t until I started using psychedelics as a tool for self reflection of my life where I wanted to change so much about me. I hate this rabbit hole because it just leads back to we are the sole reason why micro plastics are now being found in new born babies, why ban abortions if we’re forcing people to live in a self destructive society that directly contributes cancerous diseases. Politicians aren’t pro life they’re pro profit, you’re baby is a dollar sign to them the second it’s conceived.It almost feel like we purposely allow the products to exist not only out of comfort but that the chain of side effects directly allow human greed to cloud our better judgment. And I feel like I can’t talk to any of my friends or family about these feels or thoughts because it just feels like no one else would care more than as long as the conversation is being held.

I just feel so powerless and hopeless overall, I’ve talked to a therapist and they instantly label me as depressed and want to give me antidepressants to cope with this but I don’t want to shove these feelings down or hide from the truth of our world. The fact we would also offer that rather than change our world for the better is just another Red Flag for me. If anything just makes not trust to confid in a professional who just doesn’t listen or seem to grasp the bigger picture.

Moving from a suburban state to a major city as also just really “woken” me up more that our planet is literally hanging on by a thread on so many levels that I can help but feel so overwhelmed. Sorry for the rant not sure if this is follows the rules of the sub Reddit but I just really been want to get this off my chest.