To Support Anticonsumption, Become More Digitally Literate

You do not need to give your money to unethical services. You can still enjoy your entertainment without contributing to the systems which promote consumption at all costs. You don't need to be constantly bombarded by advertisement after advertisement. Learn how to safely pirate digital content and stop giving your money to greedy corporations.

Every day I see people complain about advertisements flooding the internet: I have not seen an advertisement on the internet in decades. You don't need to, either! All you need is a browser which supports an adblocker. In just two steps, you can have an advertisement free internet, too!

Stop using "apps" and go back to using actual websites. Phone "apps" are just a ploy to install spyware and push advertisements. Nothing is improved by using the "app" version instead of the website. Remember, there is a cost to convenience, and that cost is often your privacy, your data, your money, or all three. You don't really need that "app" from your cell-phone provider, or your ISP, or your cable provider, or your bank. All they do is sit on your phone and collect data.

You don't realistically need a search engine, either! When was the last time you actually searched for something? I am willing to bet the majority of your search engine queries are for websites you already visit on the regular. Just bookmark your sites and stop using search engines as a middle man to get from point-A on the internet to point-B. In this day-and-age, big G isn't even interested in giving you good search results: it is all just an advertising platform.

It is so easy to have an ad-free internet! And it is very much worth it!