Inaccurate Analysis of DNA discovered: Help?
DEFINITELY looking for an expert or experienced researcher for this one. Preferably someone who has experienced with very mixed heritage dna analysis.
On Ancestry DNA, you can see the paternal and maternal split. I have some English on both my maternal and paternal sides and it's showing only as having been distributed by my paternal side. I didn't question it until I started looking for relatives in the relative matches section. I'm trying to find some relatives from my paternal side from a totally different country. I already have a tree up for both sides but my paternal side is somewhat lacking past three generations. When I did the search it came up with some people with the 'paternal' side labels. I clicked on their tree which is public and their tree showed known relatives to my maternal side- literally my maternal grandfather on this so-called paternal relatives side. No there is no way my parents have the same parents or even great great grandparents. I have that much information already. But it's got me wondering about ancestry dna's analysis. Does anybody have any helpful hints? Is there a eay I can report incorrect analysis? Because I'm trying to separate my paternal side matches and find a greatx3 grandparent.
EDIT: thanks for the opinions so far but just to clarify: 1. No I cannot ask anyone in my family to test. I already know none of them are interested. They're very skeptical of all the stuff and no amount of convincing will do anything. 2. I have not mislabeled in my maternal and paternal side. Im very mixed. The DNA regions are already pre split parent one and two and I cannot change that. I chose which side was which based off other regions that I knew neither of the other had. I believe Ancestry has put all of one particular region (English) and decided it's all from my paternal side when the fact is it's probably a little mix from both sides.