Why do people neglect tasks? Honest doubt
Some ppl say task-winning is nerd behaviour or overall not as satisfying for them. Personally, I find quest-winning satisfying, but the thing is: isn't that also the only mechanic the game offers for the crew to have a reason not to just...stay all together in a place, thus making the imp work impossible?
Given the neglecting of quests, wouldn't the optimus crew tactic be just...stick together? And the game would be 0 fun.
When I'm crew, I try obviously to pay attention to people, to discover the imps and also to avoid being killed myself, and I love interesting discussions in chat when a body is reported/reunion called for, but... the main thing I do IS moving around doing tasks. However, I've noticed half of the lobby approximately NEVER does their tasks.
Why do people do that? It's a honest question, I'm truly interested!