Amber sending nude videos to Alexis

Like whaaaaattt?????

Why would you send nude videos to someone who's just a friend, and then Facetime them so you can see their reaction? That sounds weird. I would have told her to just stop sending those videos, we're not lovers, I don't want to see you naked, ever. Especially if their body was in that state where she has boils and her legs look awful.

It comes across as this weird power play, like Amber wanted to see her attractive she is to everyone. It's not enough that she had Erica, Abby, Danielle etc., she wanted to know that even her platonic friends find her soo hot.

It's so completely different to her videos, where she tries to appear as slim as she can, and lies about her eating habits. I do wonder how Tommy is going to affect things, maybe Amber will show off her "sexy" side on YT too now, and forget all about her previous lies about being 470 lbs.