AITA for refusing to go into our renovation house and remove wallpaper while 23 weeks pregnant
My husband asked me to go into our renovation house which has no heating (the temperature has been in the minus the last couple of days so the house is freezing) and no electricity and remove wallpaper because I took a week off work and I’m “free” to do it.
I am 23 weeks pregnant and starting to feel really heavy while doing normal daily things and taking care of our 18 month old toddler. I have gone to help twice previously with my husband as he has ADHD and struggles to focus on one task at a time and instead jumps from one to the next. I refused to help this time because I found it unreasonable to ask me to go by myself and sit there removing wallpaper in the freezing cold. When I refused his reaction was to call me “ungrateful” as he has done all the work himself and I should atleast do a little regardless of wether I am pregnant.