AITA for telling my best friend she cannot have her boyfriend over at our place ever.

My best friend (21F) is currently in a relationship with a man (26M) I have known for 3 years. I am friends with two of this man’s exes, both in which he cheated on them with another woman. Before she got into this relationship, I told my roommate/ best friend to not be with this man and she refused to listen. Now they are together and he is openly cheating on her, forcing her to make decisions between me or him. When she told him and I told her about his cheating history, he demanded she move out of my place and block me on everything. He also told her to spend Christmas and new years with him at clubs instead of with her family and also made her get rid of her dog because it’s “getting in the way”. She has now quit her job for him to be with him at all times, not in school, yet he uses her money while he goes out and messes with other girls. I yell at her everyday about it and how awful this is not just for her, but also me. I told her it’s her life, but I don’t want him ever in our apartment. He also has spread complete lies about me to other people who are mutual friends so I can’t expose him for the truth of him cheating or forcing her to get rid of her dog. Should I just let her ruin her own life and not be so dramatic or am I in the right?