AITAH for not helping my husband
UPDATE: He called me seven times yesterday. I haven't answered once. He has moved on to calling our son, who is also not answering.
My son and I are going to move forward. We looked up the court docket. He has one felony (4th OUI) and eight misdemeanors all which call for 100 days.
I am going to file for divorce on Monday. He has burned every last bridge down to the ground. I have enough to worry about I don't need him making things harder. You are all correct. He did this to himself.
I am not going to deny I am scared. My biggest fear is the same reason I stayed with him so long, financial. I am going to have to lean on my son a bit and that crushes me, but he and I will be much happier too.
I looked over old text messages he would send while drunk. I would block his verbal abuse and he would call me evil etc.
Thank you all for your love and support. I needed clear vision and the amazing words of so many of you.
I am going to keep this as short as I can. Me (52f) and my husband (47m) have been married 24 years. We had one child who is now an adult (20m) who is a Junior in college. I hesitate to post this because I don't want all the podcast people to pick this up, please understand how much taking this story from this sub will hurt me and leave this here please.
My husband is an alcoholic. I came from a world where people rarely drank. He had promised me he would stop drinking when our son was born, his reply to that was "You knew I was a drinker when you married me."
He had a dui 10 years ago and I supported him through it. He came out of it with 8 years sobriety.
He fell off the wagon 2 years ago and life has been a series of broken promises, cheating on me and lies. For instance he told his co-workers that he gave out son 60k towards college. Our son has scholarships and loans.
He took my car, without my permission. We knew he was drunk so my son and I went looking for him so we could take back the car. We couldn't find him.
He ended up hitting a semi truck at 2am, smashed into a guard rail and fled the scene. The state police dogs caught him. No one was hurt but him.
He is in jail. 10k bail. He asked me to ask his boss (whose wife was hit by a drunk driver last October), and he told me to tell him no. He has burned his bridges with them.
Here where I feel like I am the AH. He keeps calling me from jail. Asking me to find a way to bail him out. I certainly have no money. I am disabled and my disability check pays the mortgage. He doesn't give me much money. I stopped sharing a bed with him so he tightened the purse strings tighter.
So, he is in jail. He is going to stay. He has been calling me begging him to put money into his inmate account. I need whatever money to pay bills. I already told him I was filing for divorce. Will I be the asshole if I just block the calls and walk away? Because that's really what I want to do but I feel so guilty.