AITA for telling my pregnant friend that her kid was going to get bullied for the name she plans on using?
One of my friends found out she was pregnant a few months ago, and she's really excited to be a mother. I'm happy for her and think she'd make a good mom, but there's one problem; she wants her baby's name to be unique and special, but the way she's going about it is terrible. What I mean is, the name she plans on using is godawful. If it's a boy, she's going to name him "Daynger" (yes, spelled like that to be unique), and if it's a girl, she's going to name her "Tinkerbelle". I wish I was joking. I asked her if she was 100% sure, and suggested if she was dead set on those names to make them the kid's middle name. When she asked why, I told her flat out that the child would get bullied if she named them that. I know just how shitty kids can be; I got bullied for my name, and changed it when I was 19. She got really upset and told me I was being unsupportive and I was a shitty friend. She's been ignoring my texts ever since, and it's been more than a week. I'm starting to feel kind of guilty over what I said.
Update: We had a conversation over call. I decided to tell her about my experience getting bullied for years because of my name (Shayleigh, called Gayleigh), and it turns out she's been going through a lot. Birth complications run in her family, and she's been really stressed out about it, along with finding out that her boyfriend (now ex) of 3 years has been exchanging dirty texts with a coworker of his. I had no idea about this, and she expressed regret for taking out her feelings on me. I carefully brought up some of your points, and suggested using the name "Belle" for a girl, with "Tinkerbelle" as a nickname; she thinks it's cute and liked the idea. I also mentioned maybe using "Dayn" as a first name with "Danger" as a nickname, which she wasn't quite as happy about. She did decide to use "Daynger" (still spelled like that) as a middle name, which isn't nearly as bad as using it for a first name. On the bright side, the kid can tell people "Danger is my middle name". Thank you for all your advice, everyone. I really appreciate your help and suggestions.