AIO or is my MIL overstepping boundaries?
Hey all, freshly postpartum with my first child. Not sure how to lay this out, so I’ll just get started
6 days ago I was in the hospital giving birth to my first child. My emotional state has always been fragile so I knew that this moment was supposed to be mine, and tried my best to keep that thought process while in the delivery room with my husband, MIL, my sister, and my mother.
Throughout all 15+ hours of my active labor, MIL was on the phone facetiming, making calls, putting the camera in my face pretty much making my whole experience about her. I’ve never been able to stand up for myself so instead of doing anything I just stayed quiet and hoped it would all be over soon. I acknowledge I should have spoken up, I just couldn’t handle the idea of any discourse or toxicity in the room while I was trying to do my thing.
Fast forward a couple of days and it’s time for baby’s first appointment. She not only insists she goes with us, but when it was time to put the baby on the scale she grabbed my son before I even got the chance and layed him on the scale. I can’t even put into words the absolute rage I felt inside. Husband noticed I was upset and made sure I was up close to the scale to be able to pick baby back up, but the damage was already done.
I feel like this woman is robbing me of my newborn experience, but I also feel guilty because this is her first grandchild and I know she’s excited. It also irks me to the highest degree when she calls him “her baby.”
Please help. Am I overreacting and overthinking this due to postpartum brain? Or is she really overstepping boundaries every mother should know?? Because I really feel like it’s the latter, and I hate to have such a negative opinion or feeling on my MIL but I’m being pushed past my limits.
Thank you for reading and I apologize in advance if this isn’t coherent enough. My brain feels like mush.
Edit to add; thank you so much everybody that has commented, I’ve read every single one so far and am taking everything into consideration. I’ve texted my husband that I was feeling sad today and that I needed to talk about setting boundaries and it was almost like he already knew what I was talking about. I’m fortunate he can see he’s being too gentle on his mother and has promised to help me with setting the boundaries.
To clear up some confusion, I forgot to mention that my mom and sister actually left the evening before I gave birth. They sat with me to visit during my induction, which I was more than okay with his mom doing too. I had no idea she had intents to stay the whole time. Before I knew it, it was almost time to push and nobody had come to get her just yet. (she doesn’t drive. she had a friend drop her off at the hospital) I admit I should have communicated more with my husband and told him in the moment, but felt like I couldn’t with her actively in the room. I didn’t get a moment alone with him until after the baby was born and she’d gone home.
I struggle a LOT with how my feelings make other people feel, but I know this is something I need to work on so my emotions can also be respected.
Thank you again to everyone who has taken the time to comment