AIO by being scared of my mom?
I’m not sure if this is the right place to post this in but whatever. I’ve lived with my mom pretty much all my life, I mean I’ve lived at my dads as well but majority of my life has been spent at my moms. She’s always had a pretty bad temper, when she’s stressed or has had a bad day her fuse is extra short. She’s a very stressed out person, she’ll stress over the little things so her fuse is almost always short. And she’s never hit me, but I’ve heard that she hit my sister once when she was younger when I was just a baby, so obviously she can’t control her temper enough not to hit her children. And sometimes when she gets really mad she’ll talk about hitting the person who got her mad. And she was surprised when she found out my little brother was scared of her ever since that one day where she said she’ll hit him if he doesn’t do as she says. Anyway, if I need to say something to her I pretty much won’t, I mean sure we’ll joke around and we’ll talk but if I need her to do something I won’t say anything because I’m scared of her reaction, if the only reaction I’ll get is a long string of curses and then a no? I’ll just rant about it to my dad. And my dad will be like “Just tell her” like he doesn’t know how she’ll react, he used to live with her ffs. Anyway. Am i overreacting? As I said she’s never hit me. (I’m really in need of advice because I can’t live in fear until I’m old enough to move out)