AIO? My Girlfriend saying she wants to marry someone in her "pay grade"

I'm gonna keep this as short as I can.

So we have been together for a year and a half this month. My mom and I had some stuff going on and my girlfriend and I had a few issues in the beginning of the relationship so my mom didn't like my gf and then a year later I called my mom and bf to have a chat and it turned into a screaming match with my gf, mom and moms bf. I just sat there in tears. Her mom ended up coming and the screaming got worse with all of them being petty af. Anyways my gf doesn't like my mother.

So this started because we have been doing long distance for 3 months now after living together for a year. 3 weeks ago we had a "fight" because she was putting no effort at all. She had a lot going on and I just left her but after 2-3 weeks I just said hey listen I need a bit of attention too and she said she had been struggling so we mutually decided it was best to break up. The country I'm in turned off the network that night due to ongoing riots after we broke up and I didn't answer her. Woke up the next day to a load of missed calls and messages and anyways she thought about it and she wanted to be with me. When we broke up though she decided to buy herself an engagement ring because she "doesn't need a man"(her parents are divorced and her mother drills this toxic shit about not needing a man and women can do anything without a man into her head, yet she can't do long distance because she's lonely right? Yeah typical).

So now to the messages. She went to dinner with her dad and her sister. Her sister asked what her dad would do if I proposed and you can see the answers. She said she wanted to see a marriage counselor before we get engaged. I suggested seeing a couples therapist last year and she broke the idea down. I just said I don't know if I want to see a therapist(bad experience with the 3 I've been to before) because like the issues with my mom, I spike to my mom when we were having issues and my mom used that against me which I didn't expect. There's other instances, but yeah I just told her I've closed myself off from talking to anyone about us so why should I now make an exception for a therapist that I don't even trust?

So when I moved out at 17, I drank and partied for 2 years and was drunk everyday or second day. Stopped in November and met her end of March. Not fair to say she is the reason I stopped. Only things with her is I said I would never wash dishes or cleaning or any of that and with her I do EVERYTHING, so that's all she really changed in me. I'm proud of myself for stopping so kinda don't want to give anyone else that credit if you guys understand.